Where has all the Count’s Beer Gone

tune: "Blowing in the Wind"
Filk: Goetz von der Krautlache & Gorlan of the Red Lands

Where has all the Count’s beer gone?
Many camps passing,
Where has all the Count’s beer gone?
Not long ago,
Where has all the Count’s beer gone?
Washed out to sea
All but one,
When will he ever learn
When will he ever learn

Where did the Count win that beer?
At the Fat Guy’s Beer Pit.
Did the count drink all that Beer?
It was too much
What did the count do with the rest?
Placed it in a stream bed
Every one
When will he ever learn?
When will he ever learn?

What then happened in the Night?
Rain came pouring.,
What else happened in the night?
The stream did rise
Then what became of all that Beer?
Washed out to sea
All but one
When will he ever learn?
When will he ever learn?